We always try to provide you with a first class primary healthcare service, and appreciate patient feedback as a measure of how we are doing.
Comments and compliments
If you think we are doing something well please let us know. It is always nice to receive compliments. Equally, if you feel we could do better in any aspect please tell us. Comments and compliments can be made to any member of the Appletree team, by means of the Suggestions Box in the entrance to the Duffield surgery or by addressing them to the Practice Manager.
There may be times when you feel you have not received the appropriate care or treatment, either clinical or service. Most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, often at the time they arise and with the person concerned. But if your problem cannot be dealt with in this way please let us know, ideally within a matter of days, to give us the opportunity to establish what happened and put things right more easily.
We have a Complaints Procedure as part of an NHS system for dealing with complaints (full details can be found in our leaflet above). In the first instance complaints should be addressed to the Practice Manager, either verbally or in writing. She will explain the complaints procedure to you and will make sure that your issue is dealt with promptly. We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days and to fully investigate it in a timely manner.
We do of course keep strictly to the rules of medical confidentiality. If you are complaining on behalf of someone else we have to know that you have his or her permission to do so. A note signed by the person concerned will be needed, unless they are incapable (because of illness) of providing this.
If you have a complaint about the care or NHS services provided by your GP (general practice) and you do not feel able to approach your surgery. You can contact the Integrated Care Board (ICB) Complaints Team who will advise if your complaint can be handled by the ICB’s Primary Care Complaints Team.
Unsure of who to complain to?
We recognise that the NHS is incredibly complex, and it is not always easy to see where best to send your complaints. If you are unsure then do please ask us and we’ll help you to direct your complaint to the right place.
The ICB PALS Team can be contacted on 0800 032 32 35 or via email ddicb.pals@nhs.net
If you require support because English is not your first language, please contact us and we will signpost you to the relevant interpretation service.